This morning we took delivery of 1.4 tonnes of tiles at our small flat, to ensure they were ready for the tiler when he needs them.
Thanks to Matt and Liam for a helping hand getting them stowed!
Erich and the team from Classic Metal have been hard at work, and zinc on the main roof areas is all laid now.
It's a couple of weeks late, but installation of the aluminium joinery has begun.
As the pace of work increases and more of the sub-trades become involved, the need for site meetings increases. There is a certain amount of anxiety as decisions become 'final', but satisfaction in knowing that thinking will soon turn into doing.
Today Ross the electrician was on site with his team to confirm some details not covered by the plans and commence the pre-wire (installing components like cabinets and sockets).
A week earlier we went through a similar process with Derek and Kiwa the plumbers, and their pipe out is now well underway. Jared has approved penetrations of some double joists that are needed for the in-wall cisterns (ironic that holes in the design didn't support holes in the floor).
Kevin from Palazzo was on site today, confirming the plan for installing the kitchen rangehood extraction. We can’t do up (because of windows), don’t want to go out (which would penetrate the external cladding), and don’t like the idea of staying in (recirculating). The only other option is to go down.
Custom plastic ducting will go into and down the wall cavity to an external motor below the floor. An external motor is quieter, but in this case is needed because of the length of the duct (duct length is effectively increased by factors like the number of bends and elbows, duct diameter, and duct material).
Today Anthony was shaping the sub-floor for the main bathroom wet floor. This has a slope to provide drainage for a walk in shower, so careful work was needed to adapt the underlying joists to support the surface.
The Rondo system sub-contractors started on site. Rondo is a metal alternative to traditional wooden ceiling battens. It provides a strong, flat surface for the ceilings that is not prone to movement from changes in timber moisture content.
Dave and Taewa from Temperature Solutions have been fitting the Lossnay ventilation system and ducting.
Because the overall thermal performance of the house is not easy to predict (considering sun, glazing, insulation and ventilation), two locations have been pre-piped and wired so that additional heat pumps can be installed in future, if required.
Erich and the team from Classic Metal are underway with the cladding.
Because the zinc system is custom manufactured to meet the specific building requirements, there are a number of options for how elements of the solution are configured e.g. window flashings and corner treatments. More decisions!
RAB penetration for security cables
Today the security system suppliers are on site confirming the locations for system components.
The rigid air barrier system requires special treatment for penetrations, so these have to be decided and prepared in advance of the cladding going on.
The guys will be coming back in about six days to do the pre-cable.
Tonight we walked through the building with the electricians, confirming the location and function of all the cabinets, sockets, switches and lights.
It’s a time consuming meeting, but a really important opportunity to confirm decisions, catch mistakes and identify any additional information that the electricians need.
The insulation team started today.
The rooms suddenly have real form (and it’s not quite so noisy when someone in the next room starts up a power tool while you’re trying to have a conversation).
A successful meeting with Chorus’s sub-contractor today, to ensure the fibre point on the street was appropriate for our connection needs. To get this process started, you need to lodge a request for a new connection with your chosen ISP.
October has been a crazy month. This afternoon Erich fitted the last piece of flashing to the roof, to officially qualify the project for a roof shout.
It was great to pause on Friday for a small celebration of everyone’s hard work and the progress to date.
A successful pre-lining inspection with Wellington City Council today means we're good to start lining.