The galvanised ramp for the garage has been fitted.
Now if we can just make enough space for a car in there...
Achieving a storm water connection for the property has been a lot more challenging than we expected.
The Council's records showed their engineer signed off that a storm water lateral had been installed at the time of the sub-division, but in fact it didn't exist.
An earlier approach to Wellington Water to connect into the kerbside channel hadn't been supported, because the modelling showed the sump would be overloaded. Faced with the prospect of having to dig up Tinakori Road however, they have installed a kerbside discharge and added an upgrade of their sump to the capital programme.
Today the Stash installer was on site for the wardrobes.
A blind for the small bedroom is the first of the window treatments to arrive, and it only took a few minutes for Lewis's to complete its installation.
Linen cupboard
Some of the building team and sub-contractors were back to work through a list of minor issues and small variations.
The biggest item was pine shelves for the linen cupboard. Joinery is a common exclusion in building contracts, and such things can be more easily considered when the space is able to be physically considered.
The television was also mounted on the lounge wall. After much deliberation we chose to place the centre of the screen at the eye height of the viewers (typically seated). This may look low, but provides a very comfortable configuration.
Our splashbacks are finally here from Auckland.
The large back panel was not an easy fit (given the size of the sheet and the angled geometry of the kitchen), but the team from Capital Glass eventually slipped it into position with barely a millimetre to spare.
Despite ordering fibre in October 2016, and having it in the pavement within a couple of metres of the boundary, it has been a real trial to get the property connected to the internet.
You need to order your connection through an Internet Service Provider (ISP). The first step was the 'build'. This is the physical modification of the network, if required. For us, it meant having Chorus retrofit a connection to the property from the fibre in the footpath. Although the van has Chorus on the side, it is sub-contractors who are doing this work.
Fibre is routed from the network terminal on the boundary to the External Termination Point (ETP). The ETP is a small box which needs to be accessible to Chorus on the outside of the building. We dug the trench (Chorus's underground requirements are here).
Your electrician will lay fibre from a convenient location in the house to the ETP (Chorus will make the connection at the ETP). This location is where Chorus will also install an ONT (Optical Network Terminal) here, which provides a connection between the fibre and network cables. Your modem connects here, providing wireless and network connections for you to use.
The Lewis's team provided a pleasant surprise by completing the curtains two weeks early.
We have chosen a large botantical for the lounge, to add a broad palette of colour and to soften the modern form of the space.
The bedrooms have a slightly retro design, again with a botantical theme and lots of colour.